Township Health DPC
Township Health DPC is the direct primary care practice of Dr. Rob Rosborough, a board-certified family physician and Ashley Morally, a family nurse practitioner, both dedicated to the health and care of our patients. Dr. Rob and his staff have over 25 years of experience caring for patients of all ages.
Why Direct Primary Care?
24 hour healthcare access
Personalized, Focused Care
​No long waits for appointments
No crowded waiting rooms
No co-pays
Transparent cash prices on Labs, Imaging and pathology
Generic medications at near wholesale prices

This practice is NOT insurance and does not qualify for ACA tax puposes. The practice only provides a limited scope of primary care services as outlined in the retainer medical agreement. Patients are financially responsible for all services not specified in the retainer medical agreement.
There are no initiation fees and patients may cancel at any time. If a patient wishes to rejoin the practice a $350 re-signing fee will be added and patient can only join as space allows.
The Department of Consumer and Business Services has issued a certification to this practice. You can contact consumer advocates at the Department of Consumer and Business Services at (888)977-4894, dcbs.insmail@state.or.us or www.insurance.oregon.gov

Healthcare that is Decidedly Different for YOU!
Direct Primary Care is decidedly different from a traditional medical practice. It is based solely on personalized care, exceptional access to your physician, and a calm and welcoming office experience.
We do not accept or bill insurance. Without accepting insurance, we can decrease operating costs and pass on the savings to our patients. We work for you and not your insurance company. We accept patients with insurance and will help you use your insurance outside of our practice.

This practice is not insurance and does not qualify for ACA tax purposes. This practice only provides a limited scope of primary care services as outlined in the retainer medical agreement. Patients are financially responsible for all services not specified in the retainer medical agreement.
There are no initiation fees, and patients may cancel at any time. If a patient wishes to rejoin the practice, a $350 re-signing fee will be added, and the patient can only join as space allows.
The Department of Consumer and Business Services has certified the practice. Contact consumer advocates at the Department of Consumer and Business Services at 1(888)977-4894.